Healthcare News
New insights on how some individuals with obesity can lose weight, and keep it off
Source: Medical Xpress
For decades, there's been a persistent one-size-fits-all approach to treating obesity: Embrace a diet that's low in calories. Yet evidence shows that this diet-focused approach simply doesn't work for a subset of adults with obesity who are adherent in a clinical weight management program.
The Different Types of Obesity and Being Overweight
Source: Verywell Health
The difference between the medical definitions of overweight and obesity hinges solely on body mass index (BMI), but experts are beginning to think there are other types of obesity as well.
Three Things Patients Love About Gastric Balloon For Weight Loss
Gastric balloon for weight loss is a noninvasive, nonsurgical option for people with BMI between 30 and 40 that helps patients lose 20-50 pounds in 12 months.
Do I Qualify for Weight Loss Surgery?
Comorbidities put you at greater risk of stroke, heart attack, and cancer, and therefore, may help you qualify for weight loss surgery.
People at most risk from obesity often not represented by weight management trials
Source: Medical Xpress
Clinical trials of treatments for obesity are unlikely to include, or report results, for participants from groups who are most at risk of more serious obesity, new research led by the University of Aberdeen has revealed.